"Hello? This is Jimmy Rodriguez — I'm one of the Courier's delivery guys. I was in the bank at the time of the robbery. Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to start. There were three of them, I think. Maybe four. Anyway, they came in with guns and told everyone to move to the back of the bank. Then they made the manager open the vault and they locked us all inside. The manager opened he vault, but then he struggled against the door and they shot him. Oh my goodness, they shot him right there in front of us. Then a woman — I think she was a bank employee — she started screaming. She was so hysterical, she was screaming and flailing her arms and they shot her, too. I think they're both dead, but I don't know, because then one of the robbers shut to vault door on us. There's five of us in here and two of the other people are on the phone with 911 operators. Oh man, I'm so scared. Do you know if it's over yet? I just want to get out of here..."
"Did you hear that? They're shooting again! Oh my goodness! I've got to go!"