The robbers were:
Darrin Hume, age 44
Fred Lapidus, age 37
and Ben Winslet, age 34
Although as a department we certainly strive to bring in criminal suspects alive, so that they can be tried for their crimes, by the time we arrived on the scene these individuals had already killed two people. These were very bad men and if there is any consolation to what happened today it is that they can no longer hurt anyone.
I have time for just a few questions. Please don't waste your time or mine by asking about the identities of the victims, we will not be releasing that information tonight.
REPORTER 1: What is the status of the individuals who are stuck in the safe?
CHIEF YOUNG: Well, we had hoped to have them out by now, but we have been assured that it is only a matter of time.
REPORTER 2: How was the civilian who was killed in the gunfight die?
CHIEF YOUNG: He was shot.
REPORTER 2: Right, by who?
CHIEF YOUNG: That is under investigation.
REPORTER 2: So you're saying that it is possible that he was shot by a police officer?
CHIEF YOUNG: It is under investigation. Next question.
REPORTER 3: Were the three men who robbed the bank working alone.
CHIEF YOUNG: We are pursuing all leads. While we don't have any other suspects at this time, that is one of the possibilities we are exploring.
REPORTER 4: Why did the vault malfunction?
CHIEF YOUNG: We are not sure. It appears as though the computerized control panel on one of the outside walls may have been struck by a bullet during the firefight, but we have seen, as I'm sure many of you have, reports that these types of safes are prone to this sort of malfunction. It will be part of our long-term investigation into this situation, but right now the concern is simply getting everyone out safely.
OK, that's all I have time for right now. Thank you.