"Fast Freddie here. How are you holding up, Scoop? I'm down here at the scene of the bank robbery. It's pretty chaotic. Witnesses tell me that ambulances were here to take at least two people away just a few minutes after all the shooting, but no one seems to know who was inside.
The coroner's truck is down here and there are a lot of police inside and outside the building, but I can't get anybody in a uniform to answer any questions. There is a big crowd gathering, though, and it seems like there were a lot of witnesses.
A guy who works in the deli across the street from the bank told me that he could see three bodies inside the bank before police came and cleared out the area. He also said that an ambulance came and took one person away, but he couldn't tell what happened to that person.
The guy's name is Johnny Springfield — that's J-O-H-N-N-Y S-P-R-I-N-G-F-I-E-L-D — he's an employee at the Mad Monkey Deli, right across the street from the bank, on Main Street. Here's what he said — direct quote:
'I heard shots — two of them, real loud — and I came over to the window and could see from there at least three people in the bank holding shotguns. I stayed low down and just kept peeking up to see what was going on and then the police cars all started arriving. Then a big van showed up and all these SWAT officers in black suits came rushing out of the back. It was like something out of a movie. And then, within minutes, there was more gunfire.'
I also talked to a woman named Angela Parker. She was totally hysterical. She dropped off her husband at the bank while she went to run another errand. When she got back, there were police everywhere. She hasn't heard from her husband and the police won't tell her anything. Here's a quote from her:
'I just want to know what has happened to my husband. I wish someone would just tell me what's going on. I don't know if he's alive or dead.'
Well Scoop, that's all I've got for now. I'll call back when I have more stuff. Good luck."